The Christmas Plea

Written by Danielle E. Pasqua

Copyright © December 4, 2017




Amazed at the crowds

Beggars for priceless toys

Church leaves folks in doubt

Denying the holiday’s joy


Everyone wants more stuff

Fanatics at what else to buy

Granted Jesus is not enough

Honesty is Scrooge in disguise


If the world could envision

Joining in the Christmas plea

Kindness is God’s decision

Lucky for us, some never see


Maybe it’s only the latest cyber

Not the crazy parades in town

Omitting that I’m just a writer

Petty at the current season found


Queen belongs to Mother Mary

Reflecting when she gave birth

Shopping shouldn’t be necessary

Time to praise the king of earth


Upon the day the 25th comes

Vivify what holds the truth

Wise men have said he’s the son

Xavier a saint, is living proof


Yonder goes the Christmas cheer

Zounds is the spirit to hold dear