A Sea Life’s Call

Written by Danielle E. Pasqua

Copyright © April 18, 2018



Aquariums built for a reason

Besides the tourists downtown

Considered the summer season

Divided by truth yet to be found


Ethan loved popular exhibits

Family outings took him there

Gathered what sea life prohibits

Honored ocean life everywhere


Included with the expo teachers

Jesters’ stories on how to save

“Kindred spirits in sea creatures

Lo and behold let them be brave”


Marine biologists had to tell

Negligence resided in the water

Ozone layer above cast a spell

Pollution made survival harder


Quarantines were the only way

Rescued fish from ocean deep

Steadied the saved up from the bay

Tenderly so the fish wouldn’t leap


Usual oceanography was a study

Volunteers grew to be outstanding

Warned from Ethan’s robot buddy

“Xerophilous was a curse demanding”


Yaw rocked a fated ship’s direction

Zap, sparked a sea life’s call for protection