Life’s Destined Moments

Written by Danielle E. Pasqua

Copyright © January 7, 2019









Just like the day we took our first crawl

Struggled happily to grab that toy after all


Outside with your siblings playing ball

You only believed that winning was all


Before social media there were malls

Where you mingled with friends and all


That trip to the wonder of the Niagara Falls

Saw the magnificence of nature rise above all


When President Reagan ended the Berlin Wall

He stopped the Cold War from succeeding at all


On your college graduation you felt small

But inside it was a hint to give life your all


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Said goodbye to the North in the U-Haul

Years later you still can’t pronounce y’all


Separated from family and limited phone calls

Miles should show them you love them all


All that poetry of yours is meant to enthrall

Creativity shows you are the strong upmost all


Freedom tower was built to stand tall

Not just its’ architecture, but pride for all


One day it will be the earth’s protocol

To colonize Mars, the greatest destiny of all