The Chirps of Robins

Written by Danielle E.  Pasqua

Copyright © March 27, 2019








Easter started with chirps of robins

And the bloom of wild daffodils

That sprouted out of the tall grass

Only to be picked by a girl in lavender

Who held a shimmering pink rake

As she skipped along the stone path


Emma stood still on the stone path

Because in front of her was a robin

That stared at her shimmering pink rake

And pecked at the wild daffodils

That amused this young girl in lavender

Then the robin flew over the tall grass


Soon Emma ran onto the tall grass

That stretched beyond the stone path

And led to a garden with rows of lavender

Where in a tree was the nest of a robin

Emma recognized the wild daffodils

That cried out to her shimmering pink rake


Emma raised her shimmering pink rake

A rattlesnake slivered across the tall grass

And the bird’s nest made of wild daffodils

Fell onto the ground of the stone path

While the eggs that belonged to the robin

Rolled into the orchids of endless lavender


But Emma found the snake in the lavender

With the comb of her shimmering pink rake

She moved the eggs to the care of the robin

And attacked the snake in the tall grass

That slithered away across the stone path

Only to vanish into the wild daffodils


Emma doubted the wild daffodils

Or even trusted the planted lavender

So she leaped onto the stone path

Again, with her shimmering pink rake

She stopped the predator in the tall grass

All she wanted to do was protect the robin


Hear the chirps of robins in the wild daffodils

No more snakes in the tall grass or in the lavender

Emma’s shimmering pink rake ruled the stone path