Kids Play With Lego

Written by Danielle E. Pasqua

Copyright © May 18, 2021









Kids play with Lego, adults build bigger houses

Children have imagination, parents must make a living

Young ones dream, grown-ups have their pride

God loves all his children; he wants them to be happy


A birthday comes along, and a toddler receives his toys

He sits in a corner content with his new building blocks

When his parents tell him, they are moving to a castle

Kids play with Lego, adults build bigger houses


A few years later the toddler is a young boy

He goes to Disney World and wants to be a star

When his parents tell him, they plan to downsize

Children have imagination, parents must make a living


Now a teenager, the honor roll student longs for a car

All his friends have vehicles that they call their own

When his parents tell him, he needs a job

Young ones dream, grown-ups have their pride


Years later he is an architect in a big city

He knew his parents lived beyond their means

So he decides he will build smaller homes

God loves all his children; he wants them to be happy